March 2 – Day #1  Click Here
March 3 – Day #2  Click Here
  March 4 – Day #3  Click Here 
 March 5 – Day #4  Click Here
 March 6 – Day #5  Click Here
 March 7 – Day #6  Click Here
 March 8 – Day #7  Click Here

NMI Mission Moments
     Crisis Care Kits  We are collecting items for Crisis Care Kits until July.  These kits are for those that have been thru a disaster and need supplies. There is a list of items to put in each kit, along with a ziplock bag in the foyer.  Let’s try to double what we  collected last year (36). 

NMI Objectives:

     1. To encourage people to pray for all efforts of world evangelization;
     2. To inform people of the world’s needs and what the church is doing to meet those needs; 
     3. To challenge children and youth to learn about and participate in the mission of the church;
     4. To raise funds for mission outreach.

Jesus Film Ministry: One mission’s ministry that our church enthusiastically supports in earnest is JESUS Film Harvest Partners (JFHP). This is a ministry that partners with other Kingdom ministries to make Christ-like disciples in the nations. The Global Church of the Nazarene has partnered with Campus Crusade for Christ to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ into every nation via this film medium. Please read more by clicking here…

Mission Stories:  The Church of the Nazarene’s Stories series shares how lives are being transformed through ministry efforts around the globe.  These stories are made possible thanks to the prayers, involvement, and support of Nazarenes worldwide through World Evangelism giving.  Please click here to read STORIES.

To go to a great NMI Resources website, click here….
(site by Howard Culbertson, professor of missions and world evangelism at Southern Nazarene University)

To go to the International Church Global Missions website, click here…. Then click on any the of the buttons to explore the various aspects of the Church’s global mission endeavors.

To go to the International Church NMI website, click here….

To go to the East Tennessee District NMI website, click here…