Note on Corona Virus, Flu, and RSV
We want our attenders to feel comfortable in worship and so if any of our congregation feels more comfortable wearing a mask, you are encouraged to do so – no one will be ridiculed for wearing a mask. We do ask that if you have been exposed to a virus that you refrain from coming. We ask that if you have a cough or a fever, that you do not come to church while the cough or fever persists. We urge our members to be safe in their daily living – practice social distancing as best you can. We know that the vaccine, for some, is a controversial issue, but we believe each person should make their decision about the vaccine a matter of prayer, and then mind the Lord as to what you should do.
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the
Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Colossians 3:17
Special Event Details
Let’s begin thinking of restocking the Store for Christmas next year! We collect toys, games, etc. for boys’ and girls’ birth -12 yrs. old. Please drop your items in the tote provided in the cloak room. You may also make a monetary gift as well, please mark it as such and put it in the offering box in the back of the sanctuary or give it to Linda Kennedy.
The NMI is providing “Highway Bags” in a tote in the foyer for you to pick up… these bags are filled with food items that can be given to people you see on the highway that are asking for help. Please pick up a couple to hand out on those occasions. What a great ministry for our church!!
Please collect and drop off hotel-size shampoos, conditioners and lotions in the Cloak Room. These items go into packages sent to men and women serving our country.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings
salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
Romans 1:16
Upcoming Events Overview
American Heritage Girls Meeting – January 20, 6:30 pm
Trail Life USA Troop 2565 Meeting – January 20, 6:30 pm
MOMCO Evening Meeting – January 21, 6:00-7:30 pm
Wednesday Evening Bible Study – January 22, 6:00 pm
MOMCO Morning Meeting – January 23, 9:30-11:00 am
Ladies Bible Study – January 23, 3:30 pm
Men’s Ministry Breakfast – January 25, 9:00 am
Sunday School Classes – January 26, 9:30 am
Sunday Morning Worship – January 26, 10:30 am
Sanctuary Choir Practice – January 26, 5:00 pm
Sunday Evening Discipleship Groups – January 26, 6:00 pm
Bread of Life Meal – February 1, 6:00 pm
Valentines For Jesus Noisy Offering – February 2, 10:30 am
LIFT Meeting – February 15, 10:30 am
Church Board Meeting – February 17, 6:30 pm
“Jesus … has become the cornerstone. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
Acts 4:11-12
Scheduled Events
This AHG ministry equips girls with a space made specifically for them, with their physical, mental, social, spiritual and emotional needs in mind. AHG’s all-girl environment and balanced program provides girls the opportunity to learn who they are and whose they are in Christ. Girls can enjoy new experiences, develop their skills and talents, and grow in their faith in a safe environment.
While this AHG program is sponsored by our church, mentors and girls from all the greater Cumberland Country area are welcome to participate. Call the Church Office for more detail – (931) 484-6026.
This ministry is a Church-Based, Christ-Centered, Boy-Focused mentoring and discipleship journey that speaks to the heart of a boy. Established on timeless values derived from the Bible and set in the context of outdoor adventure, boys from Kindergarten through 12th grade are engaged in a Troop setting by male mentors where they are challenged to grow in character, understand their purpose, serve their community, and develop practical leadership skills to carry out the mission for which they were created.
While this TRAIL LIFE troop is sponsored by our church, mentors and boys from all the greater Cumberland Country area are welcome to participate. Call the Church Office for more detail – (931) 484-6026.
Please spread the word to mothers you know about this ministry. If you are willing to help, please see Sue Allen, Jessica Vonberge or Susan Bonee. This ministry is growing and could use more volunteers.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study: January 22, 6:00 pm
We meet in the Sanctuary this evening, as well as continuing on Facebook Live. Our studies currently are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John. A Study Guide for this service will be available each study evening. Teens and children meet for their activities in their normal locations.
MOMCO Morning Meeting: Thursday, January 23, 9:30-11:00 am
Please spread the word to mothers you know about this ministry. If you are willing to help, please see Sue Allen, Jessica Vonberge or Susan Bonee. This ministry is growing and could use more volunteers.
This group is beginning a New Bible Study on campus. Come join us! Please see Karen DuBro or Sue Allen if you have any questions.
Men’s Ministry Breakfast: Saturday, January 25, 9:00 am
All men are invited to be part of this event held at the church in the Fellowship Hall (basement of Sanctuary building). If you plan to attend, please respond accordingly to Wayne White’s text or email message so adequate food can be planned for breakfast.
Sunday School classes are continuing each Sunday, unless otherwise announced. All classes are meeting in their normal class locations.
We are meeting for morning worship in the Sanctuary and continuing on Facebook Live. Nursey is provided for children under 3 years of age. Children will be meeting in the “Kid’s Station” area (Sanctuary basement) during this time. We look forward to seeing you in our service!
Sanctuary Choir practice: Sunday, January 26, 5:00 pm
We would love to have you come and be a part of our choir. If you have any questions concerning choir, please see Marcy Dodson, Choir Director.
Sunday Evening Discipleship Groups: January 26, 6:00 pm
This is a time for fellowship, but the main purpose is to make this a time for learning, listening, praying, and growing in a small group. At this point, we have only two small groups with hopes of beginning others in the future. These groups are:
1. Peavine Road at Peaks of Hope Group – Scott Allen leads this group, which meets at 6:00 pm.
2. “On Campus” Group – Pastor William leads this group that, meets at 6:00 pm in the Good News Classroom. This session is usually on Zoom also. Let Pastor William know if you would like the Zoom link to join this group’s sessions.
Bread of Life (BOL) Meal: Saturday, February 1, 6:00 pm
We will not be serving a meal for BOL in February. We will be collecting money to purchase the food needed. There is a menu cost list in the foyer. We would appreciate your monetary gift for this ministry. See Karen DuBro if you have any questions.
Valentines for Jesus Project, Sunday, February 2, Morning Service
The children will be taking up a ‘noisy offering on February 2. Start saving your change now!!
This meeting is in the Multi-purpose room of the FLC.
The Church Board will meet in the Office Conference Room. If you cannot be present, please let Pastor William know
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9
On Going Events
Newsletter/Bulletin Information: There are Announcement Forms and Calendar Request Forms in the foyer. If you have an announcement that you would like to be put in the newsletter and/or bulletin, you must fill out a form. If you have a request for the use of a facility, the van or schedule an event, etc. you will need to fill out a calendar request form. Please give these request forms to Mary Barnes.
Child-Safe? Anyone that is willing to work with our children or teens must be certified “child-safe.” This includes teachers and helpers in VBS, nursery, wee church, NYI, JAM kids, NazKidz , Sunday School classes, etc. Our children and teens need YOU to be a part of these ministries. Please pick up a Child-Safe Ministry Application Form in the foyer, fill it out and give it to Pastor William, Gail Gunst, Linda Kennedy or Mary Barnes in a sealed envelope. If you have already completed one and would like to help in any area, please see Mary Barnes, Keshia Woolbright, or Samantha Bullock.
Linda Kennedy has been appointed by the Church Board as our Child-Safe training coordinator. She will be contacting those individuals who are participating in our Ministry Safe Program to make sure necessary training is complete. Pastor William or Gail Gunst, our Child Safe database administrator, will initiate database accounts for each person submitting a ministry safe form, initiate the background checks, and send training notices to all applicants.
2023 Church of the Nazarene Manual: The 2023 Manual of the Church of the Nazarene is the official sourcebook of church government along with bylaws, history, doctrine, ritual, and policy for the Church of the Nazarene. This edition contains all new legislation enacted by the delegates to the 2023 General Assembly.
You can order a copy of the manual through The Foundry Publishing (click here), or you can access and read the manual online by clicking here. There are electronic and .pdf versions available. You can download the .pdf file to save it to your hard drive for future reference.
Information Sheets: If you have never filled out an information sheet or if you have information that has changed, such as; address, phone number, etc., please fill one out and drop in the basket on the welcome desk. These sheets are available at the welcome desk. Thank you for helping us keep our records up-to-date.
Get a Personal Email Address: With an email address through our Church Web site you don’t have to drop your old email or get a new one each time you change your Internet provider. With a church email address you can use webmail to read & send emails or you can set up your current email client on your computer (i.e., Outlook, Mailbird, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird, Zimbra, etc.) to read and send your messages. Your email address will be set up as, where yourtext is any identity you choose. Your initial password will be generic, but you can change it online once your email account is set up. If anyone wants an Email Address through the Church Web site please contact Gail Gunst in person or call him at (931) 261-1142, or email him.