About Us

People can recognize the way Christians love others. It’s different than what is experienced in the world. As a church, we are continuously striving for relationships that build a strong community and help us grow in our love for Jesus.
We are a Bible-believing Christian, Holiness, Missional congregation that is reaching out to our community with the love of Christ. Click through the links above and continue to scroll down to discover what we believe, our vision, who we are, and to find out how you can be involved. We offer regular activities for families, senior adults, young adults, teens, children, anyone who is seeking to make a personal difference in the lives of others. Join us in our ministry. If you have a question, please contact us for more information.
We Believe
…. in one God, the creator of all things, who reveals himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
…. in Jesus Christ, who is “Fully Man and God” at the same time, who became like us to bring about our salvation.
…. in the Holy Spirit, who is active in the world, bringing us salvation.
…. that the Bible is the word of God, giving us all we need to know about how to be born again.
…. that we are all sinners by both nature and act and need God’s forgiveness and cleansing.
…. that Jesus Christ died on the Cross and that by trusting in His death, we can be restored to a right relationship to God.
…. that God has enabled us to turn away from sin but that He has not forced us to do so.
…. that each person must repent, turn away from his sins, and trust Christ to accept him.
…. that when we turn from sin and trust in Christ, the old record of sin is wiped clean, and we are born anew, thus becoming part of the family of God.
…. that after being born anew, we need the fullness of God’s Spirit in our hearts. When we make a complete commitment to Him, He cleanses our spirit, fills us with His perfect love and gives us the power to live victoriously.
…. that the Church is the Body of Christ, carrying on His mission through the power of the Holy Spirit.
…. in baptism, and urge people to be baptized as Christians.
…. in sharing, together with fellow believers, the Lord’s supper.
…. that God can heal. We pray for healing. We also believe that He can work through medical science.
…. that Jesus Christ is coming again.
…. that everyone will face the judgment of God with its rewards and punishments.
This summary of beliefs is taken from Welcome to the Church of the Nazarene by R. Parrot, p. 30
For a detailed statement of our beliefs and our Articles of Faith, click here….

Our Mission
To honor God with vibrant worship, introducing people to Jesus Christ and equipping them for holy lives and service.
I'd Sure Like to Go to Church If
….. the messages were relevant to my life
….. the music didn’t put me to sleep
….. I felt wanted and accepted just the way I am
….. I felt like ” I ” mattered more than my wallet
….. my kids liked it enough to ask to go back
Is that Possible?
Yes! You will find all these at First Church of the Nazarene, Crossville! Here Christ is the Head of His church, a place where the Holy Spirit resides in the hearts of His people and you can discover that you matter to God — a place to find our Savior, encounter God, and grow spiritually — a place to meet new friends — a place to be real — a place to make a difference in your world.
Give Us a Try
Our church family would love to welcome your family to church next Lord’s Day or Wednesday evening. We have opportunities for each member of your household to enjoy themselves and encounter God through His Word and through the encouragement of our people in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Administrative/Organizational Structure
Historically, there are two principal forms of Church Government. The first of these is called “EPISCOPAL” or Dictatorship, where control is vested with the Bishop who is elected for life. Pastors are appointed by the Bishop and the leity have very little say in running the affairs of the church.
The second form of Church Government is called “CONGREGATIONAL” or Democratic. Most Baptist and independent churches use this structure, where the Local Members have control.
The Government of the Global Church of the Nazarene is REPRESENTATIVE”. It combines the Episcopalian and Congregational forms of Government, where the authority and responsibility for all care and interests for the local church are vested in the Church Board. We elect Board Members to represent the corporate Church Body. These Board Members are the Congregation’s voice for ensuring that the work of the Church is done efficiently and effectively, and that the mission of the Church remains doctrinally sound and Scripturally based at all times.
The Structure of the Church Board, along with its Administration and Business responsibilities for the local Church and its interaction with the District wherein it is located, and with the International Church, are as prescribed in the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene. Specific responsibilities for our Board Members are shown below, under Our Church Board.

Our Pastor

Pastor William & Susan Bonee
Pastor William and his dear wife, Susan, began their ministry leadership here at Crossville First Church on October 20, 2019, previously having served as Senior Pastor at First Church of the Nazarene in Baton Rouge LA.
Our Church Board
Our local church is administered by a Church Board elected annually by the church members. The Board is composed of the Pastor, the Church Board Secretary, the superintendent of the local Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI), the president of the local Nazarene Missions International (NMI), the president of the local Nazarene Youth International (NYI), and the stewards and trustees.
Our District/Local Church Year begins on May 1st of each year and ends on April 30th of the next year.
Specific responsibilities of the church board are contained in the current Manual of the Church of the Nazarene, paragraphs 137 through 144, beginning on page 94. Specific responsibilities of the Stewards are in paragraphs 147 through 150, beginning on page 102. Specific responsibilities of the Trustees are in paragraphs 151 through 154, beginning on page 103.
Current Board Members for the church year 2024-2025 are:
Lead Pastor – Rev. William Bonee
Church Board Secretary – Mr. Wayne White
NDI Superintendent – Mrs. Samantha Bullock
NMI President – Mrs. Connie Mowery
NYI President – Mrs. Keshia Woolbright
Stewards :
Mrs. Mary Barnes
Mrs. Marcy Dodson
Mrs. Linda Kennedy (Lead)|
Mr. Scott Allen
Mr. Gail Gunst (Lead)
Mr. Wayne White
Our Church Staff
Lead Pastor – Rev William Bonee
Interim Associate – Jack Champeau
Congregational Care Pastor – Rev Jack Oden
Church Administrative Assistant – Mary Barnes
Church Board Secretary – Wayne White
Treasurer – Marcy Dodson
Music Leaders – Pastor William Bonee, Gail Gunst
Sanctuary Choir Director – Marcy Dodson
NDI Superintendent – Samantha Bullock
NMI President – Connie Mowery
NYI President – Keshia Woolbrigt
Children’s Ministry Leader – Mary Barnes
MomCO (previously MOPS) Director – Susan Bonee
Young At Heart Ministry Leader – Gail Martin
Ladies Ministry Director – Linda Kennedy
Men’s Ministry Director – Wayne White
Pianists – Susan Bonee, Marcy Dodson, Star Smith, Megumi Knapp,
Keyboard Artists – Mary Barnes, Marcy Dodson, Eugene Buckner
Audio/Visual Technicians – Roger Lowe, Wayne White, Garrett VonBerge
Custodians – Robert & Linda Kennedy
Web Site Administrator – Gail Gunst